The Ministry of Health and Navy create in Mexico Intelligence Center against Sanitary Risks

The Ministry of Health, through the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), and the Secretary of the Navy (SEMAR), signed a collaboration agreement that gives rise to the Intelligence Center against Sanitary Risks, which will coordinate the efforts of both institutions to protect the health of the population.

Through the signing of this instrument, health intelligence mechanisms are established for the control and surveillance of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, and products that contain them, as well as essential chemicals and chemical precursors.

This inter-institutional commitment concentrates on different actions for the protection against health risks, among which the following stand out:

  1. Resolution on the final disposal of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, and products that contain them.
  2. Exchange of information and relationship between both institutions confidential.
  3. Joint work in actions to combat corruption and activities to safeguard national security.

To commemorate the occasion, COFEPRIS made the symbolic delivery of the first vests to be used by the members of the Intelligence Center against Health Risks.


The major issues for the further development of the pharmaceutical market will be discussed at the Mexican Pharmaceutical Forum that will be organized by the Global Pharmaceutical Leaders’ Club on the 29-30th November 2022 in Mexico City. Secure your delegate place ASAP! Registration is here:

Mexican Pharmaceutical Forum

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